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Polityka prywatności
*Z wyjątkiem niezbędnych
im. Stanisława Jopka
Projekt UEEN

Polish Christmas Traditions – zwiedzanie z przewodnikiem w języku angielskim

The Christmas season is rich in tradition and December in Poland is a time of anticipation and preparation for many. Find out more about Polish Christmas traditions at the Centre for Polish Folklore this December, on this special tour of our permanent exhibition.

Informacje praktyczne

Data i czas

TERMIN: 22.12.2024

GODZINA: 15:00


Centrum Folkloru Polskiego „Karolin” ul. Świerkowa 2 05-805 Otrębusy

Dla kogo?

Dla wszystkich


Udział w spotkaniu w ramach biletu wstępu na wystawę.
Rezerwacja pod numerem telefonu:
+48 22 208 87 00, +48 605 501 770
lub e-mail: kontakt@karolinmazowsze.pl

A Polish Christmas - Guided Tour
What does a colourful “spider” have to do with Christmas? Why might you find hay on the table? What did new year celebrations look like in years gone by?  During this spacial Christmas tour of our exhibition we’ll discuss Polish regional folk customs, get a close look at intricate decorations and may even learn a carol or two!
Useful Information
This guided, English-language tour is included in the price of a ticket for the permanent exhibition at the Centre for Polish Folklore.

Duration: approx. 60 min

Places are limited. To reserve yours, contact us:
tel: +48 22 208 87 00, +48 605 501 770
e-mail: kontakt@karolinmazowsze.pl